Australian Six 1919
The Australian 6 is a very rare and interesting project. This vehicle is the first built with the new bonnet and radiator style in 1919. It is thought that this car was built in the company’s factory in McLaughlin Avenue Rushcutters Bay. This vehicle was discovered in very bad condition on a property.
The chassis and timber frame was delivered to us to finish off the timber frame and to skin the frame. However some areas of the timber frame was so badly built we had to remove and replace large sections of it. The first group of photos show the timber frame as it was delivered. After comparing the original metal work to the remaining timber frame an idea of the original shapes can be made and new timbers can be cut.
Period joints have been used in the new timber frame including finger joints. The joints are rough cut and then finally fitted and shaped. The front seat panel acts as a brace and as a pattern. The second group of photos show the new sections of the timber frame being built.
Restoration Slideshow
View the progress of the restoration from start to finish.
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