Welcome to SVCR

This document is to address some important issues and to provide some information

regarding your vehicles stay at SVCR.

In N.S.W. in accordance with Fair Trading I need to record your personal information. I also

need to note your vehicle engine number and chassis number. When I receive parts from you,

a donor car or spare parts I will have to record details regarding the i tems source on a register

( kept at SVCR) this will include your vehicles details. These measures are thought reduce

stolen parts being used on vehicles under repair and vehicle re - birthing.

All work will be carried out to the highest possible standard. All employees who carry out repairs to motor vehicles are fully licensed and supervised by Gillard Skidmore.

Sydney Vintage Car Restorations is a license repairer and licenced premises. (Licence Motor Repairer No 013685) Motor Mechanic, Body Builder, Panel Beater and Spray Painter.

In the future if I find repairs or problems with your vehicle that will fall out of the expected scope of work I will contact you and discuss with your the options available.

We use a Bundy clock to monitor and calculate the hours spent on your vehicle. Our current hourly rate is $110.00 per hour plus GST. Parts and materials are extra. I try to keep the lowest possible hourly rate. If the hourly rate is to rise I will give you prior notification.

Fill this form to submit your vehicle for restoration.